Monday, January 7, 2019

Pray for Marriages (A Change in Perspective)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

With each passing year, I can more clearly see the times in my life where my view of a situation/person was wildly off. Sometimes it was a harsh judgement without all the information.  Other times it was a myopic view of a situation (of which I had no experience) when what I needed was a 5000 ft perspective to understand the true picture and show compassion.  My list is long, but what I ponder in my own life, is what “lens” am I viewing my marriage through?

Someone once said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
  • Consider, if you look at marriage as nothing more than a contract, how would you look at your spouse?
  • If you look at marriage as a permanent covenant with God, an unbreakable bond, does how this change how you look at, and approach, and treat your spouse?
  • Do you look at your spouse as God’s beloved child, one He chose to create for His special purpose in this world?

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Perhaps you need a new perspective so see the great in what you behold on a daily basis?

God asks only one thing of us:

This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. John 15:12

All is possible with prayer.  One can never overdose on prayer.  Prolific use can lead to unimaginable peace in your soul, joy in your life, and an amazing ability to love another. Pray for marriages!

My prayers are with you!

Peace, Joy and Love,

Prayer.  The only recommended “gateway drug”. Pass it on!