Friday, June 18, 2010

Pray for Fathers

Greetings Prayer Angels!

The words father, daddy, papa, and “daaddd!” all conjure up various kinds of images: provider, worker, counselor, roughhouser, disciplinarian, & first love, just to name a few.

My favorite image though is “love”. Dad’s show their love in such a pure and simple ways: kind words, affirmations, acts of service, gifts of time, self-sacrifice, discipline, humor, financial support, and hugs. Fathers create such a beautiful and much needed balance to the family!

A perfect example of an earthly father’s love is that shown by St. Joseph. He was steadfast in his role as protector, leader, husband, and father. He showed great faith, obedience, and humility. Most importantly, he understood the greatest gift a father could give his child was to love their mother. He truly mirrored the love of our heavenly Father and that of his Son, the child Jesus! What a beautiful example he set for us all!

So in honor of all fathers, living or deceased, natural or spiritual, let us pour ourselves out in prayer for them. Let us shower the living with hugs, affection, and words of affirmation, and the deceased with heavenly prayers of love.

…may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all (1Thes 3:12)

Dear Lord, we ask that you bless, empower, and strengthen all men. Teach them to love as you’ve loved, and to spiritually lead their families by becoming a beacon of your great light. Amen!

Happy Fathers Day! Pass it on!

Peace, Joy, and Love,