Monday, April 2, 2012

Pray for Marriages (Share love itself)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

I am out of town and have been fighting with the internet all day…now yesterday…or perhaps it’s been fighting with me!

We are in the final stretch of Lent. Some of you may be proud of the Lenten sacrifices you’ve been able to maintain while others might be thinking….oops…… good intentions…..really…!

It is not too late to ready yourself for the joys of Easter and the Resurrection. As we enter into Holy Week, fully participate in any way you feel called: prayer, fasting, almsgiving, acts of kindness, acts of service, patience.

Meditate on the Passion. Unite yourself with Christ.

Contemplate that God is love itself. If you want to love, don’t place yourself beyond love’s reach.

God is love, and he who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him. 1 John 4:16

If you are married, consider how you can praise God through loving acts in your marriage. Ask the Lord to help you. If you are not married, please keep marriages in your prayers. Many marriages feel like they are walking the Way of the Cross; participating in the agony, scourging, crowning of thorns, carrying of the cross, and the crucifixion. Please pray most fervently for these marriages, that they may experience a resurrection of their love.

May all of you be richly blessed as you unite yourselves to Christ this week Remember that without the cross, you would never experience the resurrection.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Share love itself. Pass it on.