Monday, August 17, 2015

Pray for Marriages (Forged by the Fire)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

While grocery shopping, a young adult male behind me in line looked at my groceries and asked if I was having a party.  “No”, I chuckled, “but I guess I could.”  “Are you married?” he asked.  I’m not sure his intent with this question, but he did seem either drunk or high.  “Yes I am”, I responded.  “31 years.  Everyday is a party!”  Initially, I meant it in jest, but then realized that yes, I should be celebrating such a milestone every day!   The checker seemed impressed.  He commented that he thought it would be hard to be married for so long because interests change over time and it would be easy to grow apart.   A valid comment, I thought to myself, but then I spoke up.  “Love is not a feeling, because certainly feelings come and go.  Love is a DECISION that one has to make every day.  There will be adversities,” I acknowledged, “but a relationship, like steel, becomes stronger when it is tested by fire.”

You tested us, O God, tried us as silver tried by fire…we went through fire and water, then you led us out to freedom. Psalm 66:10, 12

As I left the store I pondered the conversation.  There is so much that can interfere with a marriage and prevent it from flourishing.  Yet, I contemplated, there is only one way to have a long marriage.  God must be invited in since we, as humans, are completely incapable of a lasting union without Him.   Where we would normally run from “fire” (thus the high divorce rate), if we trust in His promises, He will sustain us, never trying us beyond our strength.  Ironically, it is in this fire of His love we are each forged and strengthened, no longer two but one, making us ironclad.

Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

You may have to suffer through various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:6-7

Lord, help couples not to run from each fire in their relationship, but rather to allow you to purify their love.  Forge each marriage into something as precious as gold, as strong as iron, and as beautiful as a gem reflecting your light.   Lord give all couples the wisdom to invite you in, the faith to endure the fire, and a love as precious as yours.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

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