Monday, February 15, 2010

Pray for Marriages (Lies Inventory)

Pray for M.O.M. (Marriages on Mondays)!

Greetings Prayer Warriors,
Our prayer army is growing! Welcome! And please, forward this on to more prayer warriors!

I have just returned from a fabulous retreat where many of you were present. My heart is ablaze and I am still basking in the love of the Lord! All I can say is WOW! ......which is just M.O.M. upside down....I bet you thought I was digressing...

At the retreat, we were given a "Lies Inventory" from the book "Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free" by Nancy DeMoss. I thought it would be enlightening to share some of the lies that are easy to believe regarding marriage. I believe our male prayer warriors and our single female warriors will find this interesting as well, because even if they aren't married, they do have women in their lives who they may like to share this with.

Lie: I have to have a husband to be happy.
Truth: There is no person who can meet my deepest needs. No one and nothing can make me truly happy, apart from God (Ps118:8-9)

Lie: It is my responsibility to change my mate.
Truth: A godly life and prayer are a wife's two greatest means of influencing her husband's life. (1Peter3:1-4)

Lie: My husband is supposed to serve me.
Truth: If I expect to be served I will often be disappointed. If I seek to serve others without expecting anything in return, I will not be disappointed. (Proverbs:31:10-31)

Lie: If I submit to my husband, I'll be miserable.
Truth: Submission places me under the covering and protection of God, who controls the 'heart of the King". When I step out from under authority, I become vulnerable to the attacks of the Enemy (Proverbs 21:1)

Lie: If my husband is passive, I've got to take the initiative, or nothing will get done.
Truth: If a woman takes the reins rather than waiting on God to move her husband, her hsusband is likely to be less motivated to fulfill his God given responsibility. (Gen 16:1-2)

Lie: Sometimes divorce is a better option than staying in a bad marriage
Truth: Marriage is a lifelong covenant that is intended to reflect the covenant keeping heart of God. As He is faithful to His covenant, so we must be faithful to keep our marriage covenant. God's grace is sufficient to enable you to be faithful to your mate and to love and forgive without limit. (2Cor12:9)

Please join me and continue to pray fervently for marriages on Mondays.

...and don't forget to pray for families on Fridays.

Peace and Joy,