Greetings Prayer Warriors,
If only we understood the power in our prayers to help lead our family to conversion of heart and reconciliation with God. For that matter, our prayers help us too!! If they didn’t, would I be reminding you to pray for the past 15 years??
Conversion happens slowly, because unfortunately we humans tend to have ADHD towards sin! It’s the unholy that often grabs our attention! It is through prayer however, that we are trained to love what is holy. By honoring the Lord with our lips, our behaviors soon follow. And people do take notice, even if at first it is only out of curiosity. Those you pray for may even think you are a bit crazy, but at least they are thinking about what you are doing! Perhaps they notice your peace which surpasses understanding. Maybe they see and experience your joy. It certainly could be that they sense your unwavering love for them. Prayer brings them the grace they need to start to see the movement of the Spirit in others. It is an internal beauty that attracts them. Soon they will understand that what they see is the Spirit of the Lord living in you!
To know Him is to love Him. This is when reconciliation begins. Who does not try to reconcile with the one they love? The Lord will continue to beckon the wayward, as He desires to have all His children with Him through eternity. But he leaves the choice to each one of us.
If the wicked turn from the wickedness they did and do what is right and just, they save their lives since they turned away from all the sins they committed, they shall live; they shall not die. Ezekiel 18:27-28
This is why we pray so much. For conversion, reconciliation, marital and family unity, and for all to attain the beatific vision, not just because we want it, but because He wants it more!
And your heavenly Mother wants it too!
“I desire to take all of you with me to heaven, therefore, decide daily for holiness” 3/25/07 Medjugorje
Peace, Joy, and Love,
May prayers flow constantly from your lips! Pass it on!