Friday, March 14, 2025

Pray for Families (Conversion, Reconciliation, and Holiness)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

If only we understood the power in our prayers to help lead our family to conversion of heart and reconciliation with God. For that matter, our prayers help us too!! If they didn’t, would I be reminding you to pray for the past 15 years??  

Conversion happens slowly, because unfortunately we humans tend to have ADHD towards sin! It’s the unholy that often grabs our attention! It is through prayer however, that we are trained to love what is holy.  By honoring the Lord with our lips, our behaviors soon follow. And people do take notice, even if at first it is only out of curiosity. Those you pray for may even think you are a bit crazy, but at least they are thinking about what you are doing! Perhaps they notice your peace which surpasses understanding. Maybe they see and experience your joy. It certainly could be that they sense your unwavering love for them. Prayer brings them the grace they need to start to see the movement of the Spirit in others. It is an internal beauty that attracts them. Soon they will understand that what they see is the Spirit of the Lord living in you!

To know Him is to love Him. This is when reconciliation begins.  Who does not try to reconcile with the one they love? The Lord will continue to beckon the wayward, as He desires to have all His children with Him through eternity. But he leaves the choice to each one of us.

If the wicked turn from the wickedness they did and do what is right and just, they save their lives since they turned away from all the sins they committed, they shall live; they shall not die. Ezekiel 18:27-28

This is why we pray so much. For conversion, reconciliation, marital and family unity, and for all to attain the beatific vision, not just because we want it, but because He wants it more!

And your heavenly Mother wants it too! 

“I desire to take all of you with me to heaven, therefore, decide daily for holiness” 3/25/07 Medjugorje

Peace, Joy, and Love,


May prayers flow constantly from your lips! Pass it on! 

Monday, March 10, 2025

Pray for Marriages (Propagating Gardens of Virtue)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

When life becomes difficult, it’s easy to believe the whispers and lies of Satan: “God doesn’t care about you.“ “He wants you to suffer.”  “There are others who have bigger crosses. Your struggles don’t matter.”

Perceived silence from the Lord is not indifference.  He loves and cares about you so much!  It is through the struggles, be it marriage or other, that we become holy.  And holiness leads to deep joy, while happiness is fleeting and doesn’t always lead to holiness.  .

Trusting that the Lord wants what is best for you, in your life and in your marriage is difficult, especially when you experience darkness.  Thus growing in the virtue of faith is a necessity, not a nice to have.  Pray for that gift, that you may never tire of calling out to Him. 

For during the battle they cried out to God, and he heard them because they had put their trust in him. 1 Chronicles 5:20

And while praying, consider asking for double portions of patience and perseverance, for all is done in God’s perfect timing. 

Truly, the LORD is waiting to be gracious to you, truly, he shall rise to show you mercy; For the LORD is a God of justice: happy are all who wait for him. Isaiah 30:18

Pray for one another, that we all may become a garden of virtues! 


Peace, Joy, and Love,


Bloom where you are planted! Pass it on!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Pray for Families (Listening to the Lord)

Greetings Prayer Warriors, 

 “I am the way and the truth and the life.” John 14:6

There is a lot said in that one line.  Jesus is talking to YOU.  But what is He saying to you, or perhaps to you about a family member.

Read this scripture passage, emphasizing the word(s) in bold when you read it, and then pause to meditate; then listen. 

I am the way the truth and the life.

I am the way the truth and the life.

I am the way the truth and the life.

I am the way the truth and the life.

I am the way the truth and the life.

Spend time in contemplation.  Then pray for those family members that the Lord puts on your heart. 

Then, if you would,  please say a prayer for me.  I am on a retreat all weekend long!

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Prayers are graciously received by the Lord and delight Him.  Pass it on!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Pray for Marriages (Obedience and Sacrifice)

 Greetings Prayer Warriors, 

Nothing is better than the fear of the Lord, nothing sweeter than obeying the commandments of the Lord.  Sirach 23:27

So be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and handed himself over for us as a sacrificial offering to God for a fragrant aroma. Ephesians 5:1-2

Summarized, obedience and sacrifice in imitation of Christ are sweet and fragrant to the Lord! Sounds simple enough! Yet it's so counter cultural, that it’s anathema to several generations. Perhaps that is why so many couples avoid marriage, because they don’t have the courage and fortitude to live in obedience to Christ and sacrifice for the good of the other, which is the foundation of Holy Matrimony.   

Not picking on the unmarried though, as even those united in matrimony can be obstinate. Anyone married for any length of time knows all too well that marriage is a training ground for continuous sacrifices. Yet, ask yourself, are you making them into sacrificial offerings, uplifting your spouse and glorifying God? Or are you sacrificing by default and complaining about it??

Leave the resistance and instead lead the charge!

As you enter into Lent, ask the Lord to show you where in your marriage you need to become more obedient to his commandment and more sacrificial for your spouse? Pray for a mind open to discern your sinfulness, an ear to hear God’s voice, a heart softened to give and receive, the courage to act with boldness, and a memory that always reminds you to pray for marriages, especially those of your fellow warriors!

Peace, Joy, and Love,


A holy marriage  is only the result of copious prayers. Pray continuously! Pass it on! 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Pray for Families (The Daily Challenge)

 Greetings Prayer Warriors,

The only thing one finds worse than carrying lots of crosses is watching their loved ones struggle with the weight of theirs! One longs to remove it or carry it for them, but it is uniquely designed for them alone.  However, we can, like Simon the Cyrene, help another carry theirs, lightening the burden while sharing Christ’s love.

My child, when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart and steadfast, and do not be impetuous in time of adversity. Cling to him, do not leave him, that you may prosper in your last days. Sirach 2:1-3

Only through love and compassion can we help our loved ones understand the value of a cross they do not understand. Nothing speaks louder than our living example, as words alone are like dust in the wind.

Accept whatever happens to you in periods of humiliation, be patient. For in fire gold is tested, and the chosen, in the crucible of humiliation. Trust in God, and he will help you; make your ways straight and hope in him. You that fear the Lord, wait for his mercy, do not stray lest you fall. Sirach 2:4-7

All trials come to an end, and we are left with gratitude towards those who journeyed with us.  Only later are we awakened to the fruits produced from perseverance,  and we come to understand the power of Love given and received.

Consider the generations long past and see: has anyone trusted in the Lord and been disappointed? Has anyone persevered in his fear and been forsaken? Has anyone called upon him and been ignored? Sirach 2:10

Blessed are all those called to accompany one another on the  journey of life, and respond appropriately.  Even Simon had to give assent to accompanying Jesus, albeit he did so reluctantly and under duress, as the burden would now be shared. But the result was a life changed forever, ending in eternal bliss! 

Who might be awaiting your “yes” to accompaniment, either in person or in prayer? Will you sacrifice for one another’s eternal bliss?

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Prayer keeps us leaning into the Light! Pass it on! 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Pray for Marriages (From Doubt to Belief)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Reading today’s Gospel* about the father whose son was possessed by a mute spirit which even the disciples couldn’t drive out, I was struck by the next scene. It’s one of a father so desperately wanting to believe, but truly having doubts. It’s most of us. He brought his son to Jesus in hopes that he could exorcise the demon.(faith) But his words betray him…

”If  you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Mark 9:22 (doubt)

Jesus said to him, “‘If you can!’ Everything is possible to one who has faith.” Mark 9:23

Jesus is aghast at his lack of faith, i.e. our lack of faith in asking.

Then the boy’s father cried out, “I do believe, help my unbelief!” Mark 9:24 (Self-awareness)

Who can’t relate to this on some level. I think of all of those struggling in their marriages, wanting to believe there is hope. Each of you know of a marriage, perhaps yours, perhaps a family member, or even a friend or coworker, whose hope is dwindling.  

Would you pray for them this week and include each prayer warrior's intentions?  

May you and those you pray for be inspired by this quote I recently heard on social media: 

“You know what a perfect marriage is? … A perfect marriage is an imperfect husband married to an imperfect wife who absolutely refuse to give up on one another. That's a perfect marriage. That’s holiness. That’s sanctity. That’s sainthood in the making.” - Fr Wade Menezes

Amen to all the saints in the making!!  Let's pray for more saints!

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Prayer is that fuel that propels marriages forward. Can you spare a tank? Pass it on! 

*Mark 9:14-29

Friday, February 21, 2025

Pray for Families (From Grumbling to Joyful Acceptance)

 Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Are you a grumbler? Do you find yourself grumbling out loud, under your breath, or in your heart? Why me? Why now? Lord, why? Why! Perhaps grumbling is hereditary. More likely, acquired! But in many ways, it is a natural human response.

No finger pointing here. As much as we try to follow Christ and tell Him we want to conform our life to His, when He does “gift” us a cross, as His Father gifted Him, we don’t always accept it with gratitude and thanksgiving. Yet, Christ shows us the appropriate response.

Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Take this cup away from me, but not what I will but what you will.” Mark 14:36

Christ contemplated the will of the Father, understanding that the Father finds sacrifice both pleasing and good. Self-sacrifice takes discipline as well as love for another more than self. Sacrifice produces an eternal good. 

At the time, all discipline seems a cause not for joy but for pain, yet later it brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who are trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

When you find yourself weary from a cross(es), challenge yourself to practice contemplation in lieu of a negative default response. Ask the Lord to help you understand which virtue needs pruning, fertilization, and growth. Then carry that cross with pride, knowing the beauty of your “yes” will bud and blossom, creating new virtues in the garden of your soul.  May these virtues emanate fragrantly, awakening others to a renewed peace as they witness your silent contemplation, acceptance, and joy in the midst of your crosses. May your discipleship be the template by which positive and holy ways are “acquired” throughout your family.  

Let’s pray for one another and each others’ families, that we may become imitators of Christ and true disciples, 

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Each step is propagated by prayer! Pass it on!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Pray for Marriages (The Image of the Trinity)

 Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Are you ever fascinated by the Lord’s ways? I know I am!  

I’ve spoken often of Satan’s attacks on marriage and the family. Do you understand why he has such animosity?

As explained by St. Augustine, the family is the image of the Trinity.  God is the Father, the Lover. The Son is the Beloved. The love between them is so immense that a third person proceeds from them, the Holy Spirit.

Now think about marriage and family. The husband is the father, the lover. The wife is the beloved, and the result of their love is a child or several children.

Is it any wonder that Satan constantly tries to redefine marriage and family in his image, neither male nor female, sterile, and with an immense love of self?  He  promotes ways that result in over abundant self-love, a lack of child-bearing, and thus seeks to destroy the Trinitarian image of family.  He promotes fear, narcissism, vanity, and anything else that will convince young adults not to have children.  For those already married, he tempts them constantly and manipulates their perceptions to create division.

We are on the battlefield EVERY DAY. Our prayers are a mighty shield against Satan, so stay in the battle!

Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground. Ephesians 6:10-13 

May your eternal blessings be great!

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Be a soldier for Christ. Pass it on! 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Pray for Families (Celebrating like a Valentine)

 Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Many consider Valentine’s Day a time to celebrate love, with dinner, flowers, and chocolate. All those things are wonderful and show you care, but those are the easy actions. Rarely, however, do we hear about the origin of the day, which is named after the valiant St. Valentine. 

One would guess he was a man of great romance and love, who had the ability to make women fall in love with him. But no, that would just be a fantasy. He was a holy priest with a  great and deep love of the truth, which ultimately brought about his demise.  

“If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

Emperor Claudius II banned all marriages and engagements in the late 3rd century, thinking that would help him build his military. Valentine, a priest, saw how unjust this was and counter to God’s law, so he secretly performed marriages. That deed was Love personified. While the Emperor ordered Valentine’s execution ending his earthly existence, Valentine did receive an eternal heavenly reward.  

We, like St. Valentine, are called to love as Christ loved, especially in our marriage and in our family. Love is sacrificial (not just a box of chocolates!)

No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. John 15:13-14

May your love flourish in your family and in your life.  It is all made possible with prayer, so pray for your family!!

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Love until it hurts. Pass it on! 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Pray for Marriages (Heavenly Focus)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Blessing of joy to all of you!  

Marriage is a blessing, but during some days/weeks/months, it may not feel that way. When you have doubts, remember who the true bridegroom is and stay the course, recognizing our final destination.

 I will betroth you to me forever: I will betroth you to me with justice and with judgment, with loyalty and with compassion; I will betroth you to me with fidelity, and you shall know the LORD. Hosea 2:21-22

The Lord is the true keeper of your heart, so in love and trust, give it to Him more completely. He will protect it, renew it, and fill it with His love, so that you can persevere in love.

I love you, LORD, my strength, LORD, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer. Psalm 18:2-3

Beloved Lord, guide each of us on our path, strengthen us in faith, and renew our marital love each day, so that our marriages may be a beautiful reflection of Divine Love, as unfailing as Yours. Amen.

Peace, Joy, and Love, 


Introduce others to the heavenly Bridegroom. Pass it on! 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Pray for Families (Lifestyle Reset)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Family life can get crazy, and it seems like the frenzy ramps up with each generation! I remember a simple life. School, homework, playing outside, board games, playing cards, TV, and family time. Kids would be in scouting, music lessons or play on a sports team during the summer, but that was about it. Sundays were made for God and family, and there was Mass, followed by a family-affirming activity (picnics, socializing, etc.) Businesses were closed.

What we’ve lost is the calm and connectedness. Now there is school, followed by multiple activities, many of which encroach into and dictate the weekends, separating family members while stealing away time. The family meal around the table, which used to be a given, has been squeezed out by competing schedules, and is too often replaced with drive-through, takeout, or meals eaten on the run. Now, there are two working parents trying to make ends meet. Parents become frazzled due to the double-shift of work followed by home responsibilities. Electronics (between phone, tablets, computers, television and streaming services) while helpful in some regards, can be anxiety provoking in other regards. In excess, they have replaced in-depth human conversation. No one planned this destination, but here we are! Look all around you and everyone is engrossed in something electronic! Change is in our hands.

Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile. Mark 6:31

The Lord never stops beckoning us. Are we hearing Him? If only we put as much effort into connecting with him as we do getting a good cell signal! Can you hear me now?!

Let us pray for a rediscovery of calm and connection, both with our family and the Lord. 

Lord, frenetic nonstop activity and mindless preoccupation is the Evil One’s way of drowning out your voice, your peace, and your presence. Help us to be mindful of that. May we each do an inventory of our time spent with you versus other activities and make some hard but life-affirming choices for the good of marriage and family. Help us to plan out our time for conversation and connection, until it becomes a habit. May we seek quiet in a world so noisy one can hardly think. May your peace fill our souls, making us hungry for more. Help us to increase our family connectedness, through a “spring cleaning” of useless activities. Finally, may family life be one that glorifies you, versus us. Jesus, we trust in your never ending love and assistance!

The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose. Besides restful waters he leads me. He refreshes my soul. He guides me along right paths for the sake of his name. 
Psalm 23:1-3

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Pass it on, then put that electronic device away!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Pray for Marriages (Forever Accompanied)

Greetings Prayer Warriors, 

Marriage is very nuanced. Perhaps over time, some of you may feel that your particular situation and subsequent struggles have not been represented here. If not, this one's for you. Yes YOU! 

Each journey is indeed unique.  The only commonality is the purification. My hope is that no one feels that they walk alone. Ever. May each of you feel the strength of the prayers said for you. Whether you have the perfect marriage with only occasional conflict or you have the  conflicted marriage with only occasional perfection, we pray that the Lord blesses your union. 

Since you have purified yourselves by obedience to the truth for sincere mutual love, love one another intensely from a [pure] heart. You have been born anew, not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and abiding word of God. 1 Peter 1:22-23

Lord, there are those deeply pained by the state of their marriage. Hear our prayers for them! There are those in various stages, from good to teetering. Come, Holy Spirit and fill the empty spaces in their hearts with love, hope, and peace. Guide their journey to one of perfect unity.  May they never feel alone, but rather always accompanied by prayer. Increase their faith. Work miracles, so that more may come to know you. We trust in your merciful love, so may it come forth like a tsunami! Jesus, we trust in you! 

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Prayer is a mighty weapon. Pass it on! 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Pray for Families (The Sacrifice of Love)

 Greetings Prayer Warriors,

One of my coworkers was extremely stressed this week because her parents, who just moved from out of state to be near her, had some minor medical issues. At first I was perplexed at what seemed to me an overreaction, but when I stepped back, I realized that never having children (nor wanting them), she wasn’t used to sacrificial love. She was a first time parent to her parents and responded like any first time parent!!

Parenting is one of the hardest vocations on earth, yet also can be the most rewarding. It involves much sacrifice, and frequent denial of self for the good of the other.  When parents are sacrificial in attending to the needs of their children, or grown children are sacrificial in attending to the needs of their elderly parents, they are reflecting Christ, whose love was kind, gentle, and unconditional. Christ came to give us an example and to show us the way. Not so that we would have a cushy life here, but that we might have eternal life. 

I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly. John 10:10

When we are challenged to deny our own desires for the good of another, it is a gift, as the journey strengthens and purifies us.  We will always fall short, but with the grace of God we can be renewed in perseverance and love.

He gives power to the faint, abundant strength to the weak. Though young men faint and grow weary, and youths stagger and fall, they that hope in the LORD will renew their strength. Isaiah 40:29-31

Lord, as we all labor in these earthly pastures, we ask for special graces for parents, and those who care for them. When we are fearful of what lies ahead, may we contemplate your time in the Garden of Gethsemane, and like you, pray to the Father to have the courage and strength to do His Holy Will. When what we do for others isn’t appreciated, but instead taken for granted, may we not complain about the scourge of unappreciation but instead contemplate how little appreciation you receive. When our position of authority is disregarded and mocked, and as our hearts are pierced, may we meditate  on your crown of thorns and what you endured for us. When we are exhausted, may we unite ourselves with you as you carried the cross of our sins.  And if we find ourselves crucified socially, physically, or intellectually, may we turn toward you, knowing you have already won the battle through your death and resurrection. Father, strengthen us, and grant us the perseverance, disposition, and love necessary to expand your kingdom here on earth, especially within our families. Jesus, we trust in you!

Peace, Joy, and Love, 


Imitate Christ. Pray! Pass it on!