Friday, November 1, 2013

Pray for Families (Become Saints!)

Greetings Prayer Warriors!

Happy All Saints Day! 

Saints are our spiritual Super Heroes!  I personally have always been inspired by the lives of the saints.  I used to think, “How do they do that?!” (Withstand torture, persecution, insults, and humiliation for His name and not be resentful, but rather, full of love??) Conversely, those saints who weren’t tortured just seemed so selfless.  How did they do THAT?!  We often think of saints as individuals singled out and predestined to be great.  But we are all called to be saints.  I repeat, we are ALL called to be saints.

You shall be holy, because I am holy. Leviticus 11:45

Why is it that some people become saints and others do not? As St Paul tells us:

Yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me. Galations 2:20

It is a self-emptying whereby John the Baptist tells us,

He must increase; I must decrease. John 3:30

Be a witness and inspiration to your family and take the first step toward sainthood. Dump the internal clutter and allow more space for God. And pray! Pray for yourself; pray for your family. Let his light shine through you, one ray at a time. Little by little, let go and let God. He never disappoints.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Call your family to sainthood. Pass it on!!