Friday, August 20, 2010

Pray for Families (Love and Respect)

Good Morning Prayer Warriors,

Another day to fight in prayer for the family!

Today’s family is evolving in different directions. Whereas in the past, extended families lived close to each other, now they are often intra- and interstate. This becomes complicated because many of us are both parents and adult children of aging parents. It can be difficult to know just where our responsibilities begin and end.

Divinely, Scripture becomes the wanted roadmap.

With all your heart honor your father, and do not forget the birth pangs of your mother. Remember that through your parents you were born; and what can you give back to them that equals their gift to you? Sir 7: 27-28

Whereas independent adult children are no longer bound to be obedient to their parents, they are still called to respect them. The best way to teach our own children is by example.

For the Lord honored the father above the children, and he confirmed the right of the mother over her sons. Whoever honors his father atones for sins, and whoever glorifies his mother is like one who lays up treasure. Whoever honors his father will be gladdened by his own children, and when he prays he will be heard. Whoever glorifies his father will have long life, and whoever obeys the Lord will refresh his mother; For a man's glory comes from honoring his father, and it is a disgrace for children not to respect their mother. O son, help your father in his old age, and do not grieve him as long as he lives; even if he is lacking in understanding, show forbearance; in all your strength do not despise him. For kindness to a father will not be forgotten, and against your sins it will be credited to you; in the day of your affliction it will be remembered in your favor; as frost in fair weather, your sins will melt away. Sirach 3 2-6; 11-15

Let us pray for the courage and strength to fulfill our roles in love.

Invite someone new to pray for families.

Peace, Joy, and Love,