Monday, September 20, 2010

Pray for Marriages (Learn How to Love)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

We all have such an inherent need to be loved. If we were lucky, we first felt love from our parents. Then in adolescence our search begins, hoping to find that special someone that will satiate our craving for love and that will love us according to our own personal criteria, forever. What a steep order for anyone to fulfill. Along the way, our hearts are often crushed by those we thought were “the one”. If only we realized then, that there is only One who can love us fully, completely, unconditionally, and eternally--our Lord, Jesus Christ. If we first learn to love and trust Him completely, would then our ability to love be perfected by the time we marry? Would marriages be different?

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
Mark 12:30

Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.
Eph 6:24

Seek a deeper love of the Lord. Carve out some quiet time where you can be wholly present to Him. Ask Him to show you His love, and teach you how to love as He does. Practice being more loving in your marriage, then pray for all marriages.

Pass it on.

Peace, Love, and Joy,