Monday, January 31, 2011

Pray for Marriages (Change the Trend)

Good Morning Prayer Warriors,

Although in my heart I know the importance of praying for marriages, this morning I thought I’d check on a few marriage statistics to strengthen my resolve. According to a report by the CDC, by age 30, 75% of women in the U.S. have been married, and of those women, approximately 50% have cohabitated outside of marriage. Studies show that those who cohabitate before marriage are twice as likely to divorce within the first 5 years as those who don’t. Considering that cohabitation has become the “norm” in the U.S., it is no wonder that 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce!

As a society, we have moved so far outside of God’s plan. We need to change the trend.

Set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. Attend to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in both tasks, for by doing so you will save both yourself and those who listen to you. 1Tim 4:12,16

We are blessed with a loving and merciful God who, when we see the error of our ways, hears us when we cry out to Him. Continue to tirelessly pray for all marriages and I will tirelessly pray for all you warriors.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

All armies are strengthened by numbers. Recruit a warrior.