Monday, February 21, 2011

Pray for Marriages (Believe)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

May the Spirit of Peace rest within you!

Marriage is such a journey. It is a winding road where we can never see what’s around the corner. What we must have faith in, is that the end of that road will lead to a good place if we keep Christ in our marriage.

I love this excerpt from today’s gospel:

"I do believe, help my unbelief!" Mark 9:24

If we are being honest with ourselves, this is what we feel more often than not. The context of this passage is about a father asking Jesus to exorcise a demon from his son, if He can, (since the apostles were unable to).

Do we too doubt Christ’s saving ability in our lives, in our marriages?

When the apostles asked Christ why they failed to exorcise the demon, He replied:

"This kind can only come out through prayer." Mark 9:29

Prayer is always the answer. Add to that humble trust and infinite patience.

Let us pray with a belief that our prayers will be answered. Continue to pray for all marriages, especially those in most need. Invite others to unite their prayers with yours.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Prayer has a calming effect. Invite someone to tranquility.