Friday, March 28, 2014

Pray for Families (Family Fitness)

Greetings Prayer Warriors!

So much energy is put into staying fit.  We ensure that our families exercise and eat healthy to stay physically fit.  We send family members to counselors as necessary to stay mentally and emotionally fit.  We read and do puzzles to keep our brain fit.  We get financial advisors to stay financially fit.  All this is great and to be admired, but not at the expense of one’s spiritual well being.

We are spiritual beings clothed in flesh.  When we die, our spirit and soul is what will live on through eternity, not our money, not our toned and tanned bodies, not our jewelry, cars, or designer labels. 

What are you doing to ensure that your family stays spiritually fit?   Family prayer?  Scripture study?  Church attendance?  Holy Day observances?  Reception of Sacraments?

Lent is a great time to do a spiritual inventory.  It’s not too late to begin a spiritual fitness program.  Like any fitness program start slowly until what you do becomes a habit, and then build upon that foundation.  For some it may be as simple as starting to say a family grace before meals.  For others, they may be ready for a spiritual marathon! 

For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:8

Say a prayer and ask the Lord to guide you and your family in a new/enhanced spiritual fitness routine.   Then pray for all families, that they too may grow spiritually fit. 

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Encourage fitness.  Pass it on!