Monday, June 23, 2014

Pray for Marriages (Sacrificial Love)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

As I return from Assisi, I am moved by the story of St. Frances.  Denying all of his inheritance and status, he chose to live a life of poverty and service out of love for Christ.  He became the hands and feet of Christ and ultimately transformed not just a region, but his Christian way of life lives on through the Franciscan Order.

Simple acts of love and kindness received can have transformative power in our lives.   In experiencing these acts, our soul senses the love of Christ radiating through others and we are somehow changed. 

Upon my return from Italy, my husband skipped the curbside pick-up, parked the car, and came into the terminal to greet me and carry all my bags.  Sigh :)  (This is a huge treat for a frequent flier.)  Although it wouldn’t have been his choice, he acquiesced to my desire to attend Mass before heading home.  This is sacrificial love at its finest.  Christ’s love beaming through, when one chooses self-denial.  This laser of love overwhelms me and touches my heart.

Perhaps for marriages to flourish, one need not be paralyzed by the thought of huge self-sacrifice, but instead mobilize oneself with the offering of small sacrifices for the benefit of their spouse.  Indeed, hearts will be changed including your own.

So be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and handed himself over for us as a sacrificial offering to God for a fragrant aroma. Ephesians 5:1-2

Lord, infuse us with your divine grace, so that like you, we may find joy in sacrificing ourselves out of love for another. Bless each marriage, giving each spouse a greater capacity to love.  Heal our wounds, break down our walls, and teach us to forgive once and for all.  Illuminate our hearts and minds, so that we may radiate your love in all that we do.  We ask this with most humble hearts.  Amen.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Show some love and pass it on!