Friday, July 31, 2015

Pray for Families (Future Generations)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

The nightly news is something I don’t watch much of anymore, but rather I’ve turned to print or electronic media. However, even that has become very depressing, disheartening, heartbreaking, shocking, and frustrating. How have we strayed so far from God’s plan?  What will the future be like for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren?  Do we not see that the culture in America has shifted because Americans have distanced themselves from “one nation under God” to “my will” be done?  While those who have faith know they will be sustained through difficulties by the grace of God, what will become of an increasingly faithless society?  Will they despair during trials when THEY don’t see a way out?  Will they know of the Lord so that they might call upon Him who is mercy and love? Let’s hope so and pray so.

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  Philippians 4:8

Let us always begin by praising God for all that is precious in this world.  Focus on the good, and pray for those who don’t even know the darkness they are in. Let us pray today for future generations, so that when the Lord calls their name, their eyes may be opened and filled with His Light. May their hearts and our hearts continue to be transformed and conformed to His.  Lord, increase our faith, hope, and love, daily. May we rest in Your promises!

Fear not, for I am with you; from the east I will bring back your offspring, from the west I will gather you.  Isaiah 43:5

Peace, Joy, and Love,

We praise your for your mercy endures forever! Share the good news by passing it on!