Friday, July 22, 2016

Pray for Families (Transformed by Love)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Today is the feast of Saint Mary Magdalene.  She is the poster child of what can happen when sin meets love and mercy: total redemption. While exclusion, shaming, taunting, and self-loathing had no effect on her sinful choices, nor did the reprimands from priests elders, family, and friends result in a conversion, surprisingly, an encounter with Love did.  She learned that the love of Jesus is totally transformative.  Have you ever been totally disarmed by an unexpected show of love and kindness, especially from someone you didn’t know? Did it change you in some way?

“Go, and do not sin again." John 8:11

Mary Magdalene’s story should give us all hope, because each of us is broken by sin in some way.  Like her, we all have recourse to Jesus'  transformative love.  He calls us to conversion and desires us to be his light in this world. If the flame of His love lives in us, we become the spark of his Love that transforms others. 

All of us, gazing with unveiled face on the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord who is the Spirit.

Pray for family members that feel excluded, isolated, neglected or shamed, that they may experience the transformative love of Christ through everyone they encounter.

Peace, Joy and Love,

Love someone enough to share the good news. Pass it on!