Greetings Prayer Warriors,
When two get married, the wedding ring is a symbol of their
love; the circular ring represents love without end. And who is the best example of love
Love is the foundation of everything willed by God, for God
is Love. It is no surprise then that the greatest commandments direct
us to a perfect love.
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind. The second is like it:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:37, 39
By loving the Lord, we will more intimately know Love, and
in loving others, especially our spouse, they will get to know Him too as they
encounter Love through us. In the instance where our self-love is weak, if we
focus on loving the Lord, we will come to know His intense love for us and see
ourselves through his eyes. We are beloved sons and daughters of the King! Thus is the circle of love; by loving God we
are better able to love our spouse. By turning our self-love outwards, they are
better able to see the love of God.
So let us pray that we as couples focus more on loving God
so that we may better love each other.
Lord, what sounds so
simple is often very hard to execute.
For the noise of our lives distracts us from loving you. Give us the courage to soundproof segments of our lives and reserve that space just for loving you. In your
graciousness, you do not even keep that love for yourself, but return it back to us 10-fold. Please grant us the grace of loving much, for
we know the vocation of marriage is very precious in your sight. Jesus we trust in You!
Peace, Joy, and Love,