Greetings Prayer Warriors,
Much is said about love in the bible and there is no doubt about
Christ’s command to love one another. It is a promise we make in marriage. The
power of hope, however, is something we often overlook. For to hope, we need to be fortified in the
virtues of perseverance, humility, courage and patience.
- For all who hope they will find a virtuous and holy spouse, we pray for you.
- For all who hope that their marriage will depart from the valley of suffering and once again return to the mountaintop, we pray for you.
- For all those on the precipice of divorce and battling despair, may your hope of a heavenly intervention be answered. Know that we pray for you the most.
Romans 5:5
Lord, guide us in the
virtuous life. May our arrogance and
self-righteous pride give way to humility.
May our anger over a particular situation give way to a growth in
patience. May our trust in your grace give us the perseverance that leads to
victory won by you. We are forever your
children. May your mercy and love set us
free. Amen.
The LORD is my portion, I tell myself, therefore I will
hope in him. Lamentations 3:24
Peace, Joy, and Love,
Encourage someone dwelling in despair. Pass it on!