Greetings Prayer Warriors,
Truth. What is truth? Just as Pontius Pilate grappled with this question almost 2000 years ago, today much of society still struggles with the same question. Where does one go and whom do they rely on as a trusted source of information? The mainstream media is no longer impartial. It can be very disquieting to have to question everything. In comparison, internet sites and smart phone social media apps offer artificial, airbrushed realities, guaranteed to make most people feel inferior and inadequate, often leading to anxiety or even depression.
The Lord wants you to know that he loves you and each member your family just as they are. You are precious in His sight. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you any less or any more. He wants you to draw nearer to Him.
“Follow me.” Matthew 9:9
Trust in Him, and He will guide you to all truth, for there is no firmer a foundation.
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” John 14:6
Trust in the LORD forever! For the LORD is an eternal Rock. Isaiah 26:4
Let us pray for our family members who feel less than, inadequate, and never good enough. May the Lord's voice pierce through all the untruths on the airwaves, on the internet, and in print that seek to destroy, corrupt, demean and mislead. May your intercessory prayers rise to the heavens and form a shield of protection!
Peace, Joy, and Love,
The Truth can be found. He is waiting for your permission. Pass it on!