Greetings Prayer Warriors,
Where has the gratitude gone? It seems to be evaporating in this world. Perhaps it is because so many have lost sight of our Creator and Savior. Maybe it’s because the younger generation hardly know Him since he’s been banned from public appearance for a while now! The middle aged, have found other treasures to love, and the older generation tries to hold on, but even some of them are losing faith.
As we approach Christmas and the time for giving, let us not focus so much on all we hope to receive, but instead, ready our hearts to share the gratitude for the gift of Christ. Have we made room for him in our heart yet? Now is the time to prepare as a family.
G.race-needed to move your heart. Pray!
R.eflect on your thoughts, words and deeds this year.
A.ttitude shift needed?
T.reasure-Where you spend your time…is it misaligned?
I.ntrospection-Continue to examine your heart
T.hank you’s- Who do you need to thank? Begin now!
U.plift your mind to that of the heavenly realm
D.esire for Him will increase with gratitude.
E.xaltation and Eucharistic Praise come forth!
This last week before Christmas, let us all pray that grace abounds, so that we will have hearts filled with gratitude and praise, singing
Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will.
Luke 2:14
Peace, Joy, and Love,
Show your gratitude. Pass it on!