Friday, July 30, 2021

Pray for Families (Be an "I" Witness)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,


Parenting seems easy when kids are young and hang on every word you say.  They exude innocence and have total trust in their parents for love, guidance, and protection. By the time they are young adults though, most are corrupted by the culture and think their parents don’t know anything, especially when it comes to faith and morals. Conversations about the latter seem to fall on deaf ears, but at least the Lord warned us.


Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house. Matthew 13:57


We are not off the hook however, for his expectation of us as Christians is to spread the “Good News” and to bear fruit for his Kingdom. 


It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. John 15:16, 5


The challenge I give all of you is to bear fruit by evangelizing the families of others!  It’s as simple as sharing a sincere story of how the Lord has acted in your life. It often results in the other asking questions. At a minimum, a seed is planted that the Lord will water and cause to grow. 


Opportunities abound, yet, how often do we mask our Christianity, or some aspect of our faith and eliminate it from the conversation for fear of being judged? Can you commit to witnessing to at least one person outside of your home this week?  It’s a prayer-in-action!


Lord, make us bold!  Help us not only to share our “story,” but to then listen as well. Help us to hear what flows from the heart of the one whom we are conversing with. Open us to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. You equip us mightily, so may we not be timid in lovingly fighting for souls, for if we don’t act, we can be assured that the Satan will!  Send to us your most Blessed Mother to instill fear in the Evil One and St. Michael to assure our victory for your glory.  Amen.


Peace, Joy, and Love, 


Many are soul thirsty.  Lead them to drink.  Pass it on!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Pray for Marriages (The Beauty of Routine)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,


I’ve learned that I love routine in my life. Not boredom or boring repetitive days, but a framework I can function in.  When my routine gets disrupted, I forget things, like writing my blog.  I’m sure you haven’t noticed. 😊


Routines help us to become our best selves, and thus be better spouses. It is always a comfort to know what to expect from a spouse. Routine behaviors such as a kiss good morning/goodnight, words of affirmation, a gentle touch, a simple gift/note are all gestures that uplift relationships. Ideally, part of the routine would be praying together, but for some that isn’t an option. If you don’t already, make daily prayer a routine.  Make it a “first fruit” of your day, rather than telling yourself you’ll pray “if you have the time.” Make time to pray for your marriage and your spouse daily. You are called to be a saint and to get your spouse to heaven.  How’s that going for you? (No judgement here! Only encouragement!)


My child, when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart and steadfast, and do not be impetuous in time of adversity. Cling to him, do not leave him, that you may prosper in your last days. Accept whatever happens to you; in periods of humiliation be patient. For in fire gold is tested, and the chosen, in the crucible of humiliation. Trust in God, and he will help you; make your ways straight and hope in him. You that fear the Lord, wait for his mercy, do not stray lest you fall. You that fear the Lord, trust in him, and your reward will not be lost. You that fear the Lord, hope for good things, for lasting joy and mercy. Sirach 2:1-9


May you be blessed by your ongoing sacrifice of prayer!


Peace, Joy, and Love,



Encourage one another in prayer.  Pass it on! 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Pray for Families (Guardrails to God)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,


Since I am posting this late, I thought I’d give you a great scripture to meditate on from the book of Sirach.  It speaks to the responsibility of children to their parents. Whether you are young or middle-aged, it remains applicable. 


Children, listen to me, your father; act accordingly, that you may be safe. For the Lord sets a father in honor over his children and confirms a mother’s authority over her sons. Those who honor their father atone for sins; they store up riches who respect their mother. Those who honor their father will have joy in their own children, and when they pray they are heard. Those who respect their father will live a long life; those who obey the Lord honor their mother. Those who fear the Lord honor their father, and serve their parents as masters. In word and deed honor your father, that all blessings may come to you. A father’s blessing gives a person firm roots, but a mother’s curse uproots the growing plant. Do not glory in your father’s disgrace, for that is no glory to you! A father’s glory is glory also for oneself; they multiply sin who demean their mother. My son, be steadfast in honoring your father; do not grieve him as long as he lives. Even if his mind fails, be considerate of him; do not revile him because you are in your prime. Kindness to a father will not be forgotten; it will serve as a sin offering—it will take lasting root. In time of trouble, it will be recalled to your advantage, like warmth upon frost it will melt away your sins. Those who neglect their father are like blasphemers; those who provoke their mother are accursed by their Creator. Sirach 3:1-16


Pray for yourself, your spouse, your children, that each may fully live out their station in life, for the glory of God.


Peace, Joy, and Love,



We all need some good rules to live by. Pass it on! 

Monday, July 19, 2021

Pray for Marriages (A Safe Refuge)

Greetings Prayer Warriors, 


The thing about storms is while they can be brutal, they don’t last, yet their effects can range from mild to devastating. The same holds true in marriages.  


The goal is to weather the storms not just in marriage, but in life, for those also have an impact on one’s marriage.  As always, we turn to our Lord in prayer, that he may guide us, shield us, and heal us. 


You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shade of the Almighty, say to the LORD, “My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust.” Psalms 91:1-2


Let me dwell in your tent forever, take refuge in the shelter of your wings. Psalms 61:5


Choose a married couple to pray for this week.  Pray that no matter the storms that arise, they may find a peaceful refuge in Him.


Peace, Joy, and Love,



Safe advice. Pass it on! 

Monday, July 12, 2021

Pray for Marriages (In the Silence)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,


In our everyday lives we can so easily fall into everyday busyness.  Yet it is in the silence and calm that we feel the presence of God.  In is in the turning off of everything, that we can hear the still, small voice of our Creator.  


I encourage you to enter into God’s peace, God’s presence, and His desire to lead you, if only you will listen. 


Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10


In the quiet, pray on behalf of marriages, and never lose hope.


The LORD will fight for you; you have only to keep still.


Lord, hear the prayers of your faithful, and be their forever guide. 


Our help is in the name of the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.  Psalm 124:8


Peace, Joy, and Love,



Prayer is the gift that keeps on giving. Pass it on!

Friday, July 9, 2021

Pray for Families (Summer Sojourns)

Greetings Prayer Warriors, 


Summer is in full swing and I pray that your families will be richly blessed! Whether you take off on mini-weekenders or longer sojourns, now is the time to reconnect with your loved ones.  Turn off all media, eat, love, play, and PRAY!


Who doesn’t find joy in food?  Make sure you are dining together as a family, for the table is a place to build camaraderie.  Don’t forget to begin your meal with a blessing, as it may be the only prayer some family members pray! 


A feast is made for merriment and wine gives joy to the living. 

Ecclesiastes 10:19


Does anyone every complain of too much love?  Express what you love about each family member, praying that you will see them as God sees them, His beloved masterpieces


Pleasing words are a honeycomb, sweet to the taste and invigorating to the bones. Proverbs 16:24


Engage in a fun activity be it a walk, hike, or good card game. Who has time to worry or argue when engaged in play? Exercise helps elevate endorphins, and when you feel good, don’t you want to praise God?


The LORD has done great things for us; Oh, how happy we were! 

Psalms 126:3


Pray together and pray for the needs of each member of your family.  Then take some quiet time t­­­o pray, not forgetting to pray for your prayer warrior family as well.  


When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you. Matthew 6:6


Peace, Joy, and Love,



A summer attitude brings about gratitude! Pass it on!


Monday, July 5, 2021

Pray for Marriages (Encircled in Prayer)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,


Wouldn’t it be great to have a community you could share your marital joys and struggles with?  A community that would pray for you?  One where you can celebrate and commiserate?  


Why are you downcast, my soul; why do you groan within me? Wait for God, for I shall again praise him, my savior and my God.  Psalm 42:6


Well, you do have that here, you just don’t have to ask for prayers, because God knows you need them and we’ve got you covered. What, you have an awesome and blessed marriage? We pray for you too, because through you, engaged couples see what good looks like, and those who are struggling, have hope. Many do take note, and we celebrate you in our hearts. We are a circle of prayer that never ends, because the need never does. 


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13


We are not a secret society, which is why it is important you pass this on!  We need MORE prayer warriors!  Don’t be shy in sharing.  Whether someone prays only once or prays twice a week for marriage and family, we are grateful, because each and every prayer has value.  I’ll never forget how years ago I shared the early struggles my husband and I had in our marriage and how the Lord entered in.  A most unlikely person came up and shared how she needed to hear that!  Here I thought she had a great marriage.  She did not.  Many suffer quietly, some loudly.  Prayer is so very powerful. While the Lord may or may not save your marriage, He will bring you peace. Have faith.  

Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1


Everyone is invited to pray. Everyone’s journey began in a family. Everyone, even if they aren’t married, knows a couple that needs prayer. Let’s expand this prayer circle and let others reap the benefits!  It’s a small sacrifice for a big reward! 


Peace, Joy, and Love,



You are loved and cherished. Share this knowledge with one who doesn’t know! Pass it on!  

Friday, July 2, 2021

Pray for Families (Seeking Protection)

Greetings Prayer Warriors, 


Satan is the great deceiver. He works by instilling doubt and creating division in relationships and families. He succeeded with the very first couple. Thousands of years later, his tricks haven’t changed.  Have we gotten any wiser though?  


Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?  Genesis 3:1


You’ve heard the Evil One whisper to you too:


Did God really tell you not to

Tell a lie? Your parents wouldn’t really want to know anyway!

Have an affair? You deserve to be happy, don’t you?

View porn? What harm could that do?

Gossip about others? How can you not with friends like yours?!

Go to a fortune teller? He just doesn’t want you to know the future!


(Name the sin you struggle with the most)


Or, did God really tell you to

Remain chaste before marriage? Isn’t that old fashioned?

Be open to children? Shouldn’t you decide when you want them and contracept accordingly?

Protect life? But isn’t it your personal decision?

Be totally honest with your spouse? They wouldn’t understand!


 (Name what you have trouble refraining from)


Our struggle with sin is a battle Satan wants us to lose, because he wants us with him through eternity. Jesus won the battle, but it’s still our choice. Christ gave us the tools* to resist Satan, but we have to agree to use them!! 


Let us pray the powerful St. Michael Prayer for ourselves and our family members, that each may resist temptations from the Father of Lies. 


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.  Amen.


In you, LORD, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame. In your justice rescue and deliver me; listen to me and save me!  Psalms 71:1-2


Peace, Joy, and Love,



Prayer is the best sword you can wield! Pass it on!


*(Prayer, fasting, and the sacraments, especially Reconciliation and the Eucharist)