Monday, July 26, 2021

Pray for Marriages (The Beauty of Routine)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,


I’ve learned that I love routine in my life. Not boredom or boring repetitive days, but a framework I can function in.  When my routine gets disrupted, I forget things, like writing my blog.  I’m sure you haven’t noticed. 😊


Routines help us to become our best selves, and thus be better spouses. It is always a comfort to know what to expect from a spouse. Routine behaviors such as a kiss good morning/goodnight, words of affirmation, a gentle touch, a simple gift/note are all gestures that uplift relationships. Ideally, part of the routine would be praying together, but for some that isn’t an option. If you don’t already, make daily prayer a routine.  Make it a “first fruit” of your day, rather than telling yourself you’ll pray “if you have the time.” Make time to pray for your marriage and your spouse daily. You are called to be a saint and to get your spouse to heaven.  How’s that going for you? (No judgement here! Only encouragement!)


My child, when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart and steadfast, and do not be impetuous in time of adversity. Cling to him, do not leave him, that you may prosper in your last days. Accept whatever happens to you; in periods of humiliation be patient. For in fire gold is tested, and the chosen, in the crucible of humiliation. Trust in God, and he will help you; make your ways straight and hope in him. You that fear the Lord, wait for his mercy, do not stray lest you fall. You that fear the Lord, trust in him, and your reward will not be lost. You that fear the Lord, hope for good things, for lasting joy and mercy. Sirach 2:1-9


May you be blessed by your ongoing sacrifice of prayer!


Peace, Joy, and Love,



Encourage one another in prayer.  Pass it on!