Friday, May 6, 2022

Pray for Families (Penetrating Light)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Darkness has dimmed many minds and infiltrated many souls.  This is made painfully apparent as protests are happening because unborn babies might not be able to be killed on demand, even up until birth!  How can any abortion be "safe" when it has at least a 50% mortality rate?  Society has wandered very far from God and into Satan’s playground.  No wonder the Evil One  has so many minions doing his bidding!

Yet the Lord doesn’t want any of his children or yours to be lost to the Son of Perdition.  

Though darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds, the peoples, upon you the LORD will dawn, and over you his glory will be seen. Isaiah 60:2

Bring more Light into the world with your prayers!

Pray prayers of reparation for the many offenses against life.

Pray that His Light will penetrate even the most darkened souls, 

Pray that all hearts may in gratitude cherish all beating hearts.

Pray for family and relatives whose eyes have become blinded to the GIFT of life.

Pray for each other, that we may boldly speak the truth, in love.

Together we are stronger.  

St. Michael the Archangel, lead us  in battle, and defend and protect us! Amen.

Peace, Joy, and Love,


We do not battle alone, but He who is in us directs our steps.  Pass it on!