Friday, February 10, 2023

Pray for Families (Often and Much)

 Greetings Prayer Warriors,

This goes out to those who are feeling discouraged, beaten down, a little bit hopeless. It can be regarding your life, or perhaps your children or spouse.  

You are enough in God’s eyes. They are enough. God loves you. He loves them. Do you not realize the Lord’s greatest desire is to have all of you in heaven with Him?? It is not your job to change or convert someone. It is His alone. He wants it more than you. He knows their obstacles, their wounds, their sins (and yours). He wants to heal it all. The difficulty for you, is that the Lord does it in His perfect timing.  He beckons both us and them with gentleness and love. He alone knows exactly what each needs to hear.  He alone personalizes the pace of their journey.

If God can part the Red Sea, can He not change your path or that of a loved one? 

The cloud overshadowed their camp; and out of what had been water, dry land was seen emerging: Out of the Red Sea an unimpeded road, and a grassy plain out of the mighty flood. Over this crossed the whole nation sheltered by your hand, and they beheld stupendous wonders. 

Wisdom 19:7-8

Show us your stupendous wonders, Lord!

Lord, give us the patience to wait for your perfect timing. Chase away discouragement and renew all hope! Grant us an increase in faith, that it may never waver in prayer. Grant us the humility to admit that we control little, and are powerless over another person. However, give us the grace to control what we can; our “yes” to Your Divine Will and the frequency and quantity of our prayer for one another. Finally, help us to open our hearts to experience the love you so much want to give us, even when we feel most unworthy. We are grateful that you unconditionally love us and those we hold dear. Thank you for your merciful love!

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Spread the love. Pass it on!