Monday, November 20, 2023

Pray for Marriages (Gaining Sight)

 Greeting Prayer Warriors,

Now as he [Jesus]approached Jericho a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging, and hearing a crowd going by, he inquired what was happening. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” He shouted, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” The people walking in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent, but he kept calling out all the more, “Son of David, have pity on me!” Then Jesus stopped and ordered that he be brought to him; and when he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He replied, “Lord, please let me see.” Jesus told him, “Have sight; your faith has saved you.”He immediately received his sight and followed him, giving glory to God. When they saw this, all the people gave praise to God. Luke 18:35-43

In life, and in marriage, we are the blind man, only we don’t know we can’t see! Our words, our behavior, our tone, and our lack of charity towards our spouse can be glaring…to THEM. 

Spend some time in prayer, asking the Lord for your sight. Or if you have the courage, ask your spouse where your blind spots are.  If you are Catholic, consider the sacrament of Reconciliation. His grace will continue to open your eyes.

Then in praise and thanksgiving, give all glory and honor to Him!

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Increase in love and gratitude. Pass it on!