Friday, June 28, 2024

Pray for Families (Discovering Christ)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

If I were to guess at the #1 prayer intention of most parents, it would be that their children (young or adult), would convert/revert, or begin to follow Christ more closely and grow in their faith. And soon!

Little do we contemplate how long one’s own faith journey took. Baby steps, blind walking, sand traps, detours, rest stops, desert tours, hiatuses, fireworks, and infernos. It certainly wasn’t a straight line. But once one truly discovers Christ, they desire it for everyone they know, especially their children. Who doesn’t want to compress the timeline?!

Yet, while you pray for your children, Christ helps you grow in the virtues of faith, hope, patience, and love. If our faith can move mountains, what might our collective faith do?  

May the LORD, your God, show us the way we should take and what we should do.”  Jeremiah 42:3

Lord, you know what weighs heavy on the hearts of each one reading this. Today we lift up to you as a beautiful bouquet, all of our children and even the grandchildren. Hear the yearning of each individual heart as it petitions on behalf of each child. Grant each the grace needed to open their hearts and minds to you. Penetrate the cracks in their lives and show them that in you, all things are possible. Lead them to the path you created for them, helping them over the hurdles that seek to discourage them from discovering your kingdom. Grant each parent an outpouring of love, that it may radiate through them to their progeny, a pure reflection of you, an irresistible light. You are our hope. As always, Jesus we trust in you!  Amen.  

“Believe in the Lord Jesus and you and your household will be saved.”

Acts 16:31

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Rejoice in hope, persevere in prayer and pass it on!