Greetings Prayer Warriors,
Many consider Valentine’s Day a time to celebrate love, with dinner, flowers, and chocolate. All those things are wonderful and show you care, but those are the easy actions. Rarely, however, do we hear about the origin of the day, which is named after the valiant St. Valentine.
One would guess he was a man of great romance and love, who had the ability to make women fall in love with him. But no, that would just be a fantasy. He was a holy priest with a great and deep love of the truth, which ultimately brought about his demise.
“If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32
Emperor Claudius II banned all marriages and engagements in the late 3rd century, thinking that would help him build his military. Valentine, a priest, saw how unjust this was and counter to God’s law, so he secretly performed marriages. That deed was Love personified. While the Emperor ordered Valentine’s execution ending his earthly existence, Valentine did receive an eternal heavenly reward.
We, like St. Valentine, are called to love as Christ loved, especially in our marriage and in our family. Love is sacrificial (not just a box of chocolates!)
No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. John 15:13-14
May your love flourish in your family and in your life. It is all made possible with prayer, so pray for your family!!
Peace, Joy, and Love,
Love until it hurts. Pass it on!