Friday, July 30, 2010

Pray for Families (Humility)

Good Morning Prayer Warriors!

I appreciate your tireless efforts to pray as well as encourage others to pray.

This morning, I was pondering earthly goals and heavenly goals and how often they are at opposition to each other. In work, as well as in families, you must work as a unit or team to be successful. While every member of a team contributes to it’s success, those who boast of their contributions tend to get the recognition/rewards. Humility keeps you invisible in the workforce. If you aren’t verbally or non-verbally saying look at me, look at what I just achieved, you won’t get very far. In families, are the humble members valued? Is humility encouraged and recognized? The Lord calls us to humility. It is through humility that we are able to succumb to God’s will and build an intimate relationship with Him. His love then blooms within us, and only then will we experience true peace. What better reward?

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Phil 2:3-4

So let us use our gifts, talents, and achievements to boast in the Lord. May we glorify the Lord in all we do. Pray for families, that they may grow in humility, while giving all glory and honor to Him.

Ask a friend to pray for families today or simply send them a link to this blog.

Peace, Joy, and Love,