Friday, July 1, 2011

Pray for Families (Love as the Mortar)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

I came across this gem and had to share it (bold added by me), because it really brings light to why we pray for families every Friday.

“All that you succeed in doing to support the family is destined to have an effectiveness 
that goes beyond its own sphere and reaches other people too, and has an effect on society. 
 The future of the world and of the church passes through the family.” Pope John Paul II-Familiaris Consortio

This is something to really contemplate.

If the future of the world passes through the family, and in our society families are breaking down at an alarming rate, God is being erased from education, and morality is no longer being taught, what does the future hold?

God created families to be foundational and secure. Family members are to be present to one another, sharing their time, talents, and treasure. Love shared within the family reflects the love God has for each of us. It is through the unconditional, selfless love experienced in the family that we first come to know and understand what God truly is – Love. We are to be His reflection to each other so that each family member can experience the love of God and then take that light out into the world.

If one doesn’t experience love in the family, and can’t share what they didn’t receive, will there be a loss of love in society – a loss of God?

God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him. 1 John 4:16

Prayer is our most effective weapon against the breakdown of the family, and for the future of our society. Warriors, grab your weapon!

Heavenly Father, may our love be the mortar to each family stone that you lay. Strengthen us in our love, so that we may reinforce all that we build upon the foundation that is you. Patch up for us what has crumbled. Help us recover the missing stones. In your mercy, rebuild each family, become our cornerstone so that we may become a source of your love and a beacon of your light throughout the world. For this we humbly pray. Amen.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Invite a warrior to pray. Pass it on.