Your email inboxes saw a reprieve from my blog last week, but I hope the Spirit still stirred you into praying for marriages and families.
Have you noticed that hardly a week can pass without you hearing of a marriage in trouble? That is why all of you are so cherished, because marriages are desperately in need of your prayer.
While doing some vacation reading, the following quote jumped off the page at me.
If you take the time to judge, you don’t have time to love.
~Blessed Mother Teresa
If one is busy judging it interferes with their ability to connect with that person. This harmful attitude can stem from self-righteousness as well as that deadly sin, pride. As a result one’s heart becomes damaged and it affects their ability to love as Christ loved.
So be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and handed himself over for us as a sacrificial offering to God for a fragrant aroma. Eph 5:1-2
If you are married, do a self-examination of your own marriage. If you are single, chose the marriage of a couple in need, and pray for them this week. As always pray unceasingly.
May the blessing of the Lord be with you each day.
Peace, Joy, and Love,
Challenge a friend to stop the judging and turn to love. Forward to a friend.