One story in the bible that gives me so much hope is the story of Saul. He went from persecutor of the early disciples of Jesus, encouraging the stoning of St. Stephen, to one of the greatest Christian missionaries of the Church. His prolific epistles make up many of the books in the bible.
Going from Saul to Paul is total grace. Like Saul who was stuck blind by the Lord for 3 days to awaken him spiritually, we too sometimes need major events in our life to spark our momentum toward Christ.
So when things get tough for you or a member of your family, don’t despair but rather thank our Heavenly Father for the reminder to look to Him. Consent to ascent. He just may be preparing you for sainthood.
To you I raise my eyes, to you enthroned in heaven. Psalm 123:1
Prayer is the fuel necessary for ascending. Continue to pray for families, especially those in most need.
Peace, Joy and Love,
Help with the ascent. Forward to a friend.