Friday, September 30, 2011

Pray for Families (Time-less)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Recently I was talking to a customer about kids and their activities. She started talking about her son’s crazy schedule: School until 1:50 pm, football from 2-5:00 pm, basketball from 5-8:00 pm, with a drive-thru dinner squeezed somewhere in between. Weekends she said were taken up with tournaments and driving around her son’s friends. “I just don’t know how people with more than one child do this!” she exclaimed. “They don’t,” I responded. “Their children aren’t granted unlimited activities.“

This made me think. In today’s culture it seems that parents’ lives pivot around their children’s lives. Whereas when I was young, my life pivoted around my parents’ schedule. They led, I followed. Could this shift have anything to do with the breakdown of the American family? Has the overloaded schedule replaced family mealtime, family game night, time for pleasure reading, family conversations, and just plain quiet time? What exactly are we worshipping? If there’s no quiet time, how would one ever hear His voice? Does prayer time and church time get squeezed out because there isn’t any time leftover?!

For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: By waiting and by calm you shall be saved, in quiet and in trust shall be your strength. But this you did not will. Is 30:15

As we lift up the family in prayer, let us pray that we have restraint in our own lives. If you are controlled by your schedule, schedule quiet time. Schedule prayer time. Schedule one-on-one time with a loved one. Let the healing begin at home.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Work on making your life more “time-less”. Then share it with a friend.