I have been privileged to attend 3 funerals in the last 8 weeks. Yes, privileged. As difficult and painful as it is to see the grief that death brings to a family, when I zoom my focus out, the landscape I see is beautiful beyond belief.
For I see God filling the void of loss with abundant love. That love is sent in the form of His children, mobilizing to show the face of Christ by journeying with the grief-stricken. His amazing love pours out from our spiritual family in the form of service, compassion, acts of kindness, prayer, and presence.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Matthew 5:4
In God’s incredible mercy, He’s given us a much larger family. When individuals, families, churches, and communities come together to support the grieving, there is a strengthening of the fabric of our society. Although each of us is a beautiful masterpiece of His creation, a unique quilt square if you will, when woven together into one quilt, we are all pulled out of the darkness of our grief to find life again and reflect the glory of the Lord. Our eyes are once again opened to the magnificence of our God.
And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20
Today, please pray for those who mourn. Reach out to someone who has lost a loved one in the past year. Show them the love of Christ. Then pray for our spiritual family. May we all be servants of Christ in the growth of His family.
Peace, Joy, and Love,
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