Greetings Prayer Warriors,
I love being a parent. However it is the hardest job
that I have ever had! Most frightening, is that all the training is on
the job! Plus there’s no instruction booklet that helps you figure out
each child. Even Mary and Joseph were parenting in the dark. Like us,
they too had to learn by observation, trial, and error. They too knew
frustration, panic, heartache, and agony.
Perhaps that is by design, because in uncontrollable,
unknowable, unfathomable situations, there is only one place to turn, and that
is to our heavenly Father.
Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
So today let us focus our family prayer toward parents.
Dear Lord, as stewards
of your children, we pray that all parents are able to unite as one in their
parenting. Give us the grace to teach
first by our behavior, then by our words. Lead us into virtue so that we may be a
beacon of your light for our children. Be generous with the fruits of your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity,
gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity.* Lord, give us a double portion of patience,
please. Help us to teach our children,
whether they be toddlers, tweens, teens, young adults or mature adults, to
place all trust in you. May we as
parents, never forget to pray for each of our children, knowing that you will
bless them with exactly what they need.
We place them in your hands O Lord, that they may experience your love
and protection. We ask this in your most holy name.. Amen.
Joy, and Love,
Pray for parents and invite
others to join in.
*As listed in the Latin Vulgate