Monday, December 17, 2012

Pray for Marriages (The intersection of Love and Mercy)

Greetings Prayer Angels,

As we enter in to the third week of Advent, it is easy to get distracted and stressed by the impending “deadlines” of buying gifts, wrapping, packaging, mailing, card-writing, home preparation, and so on, then distressed by the lack of help from family members which often results in impatience and arguments, and ultimately a loss of joy.  Others become depressed, when feelings of loneliness intensify over the holidays.  Perhaps this is the first Christmas alone.

When this happens, make a U-turn and return to the intersection of Love and Mercy.  Pause to reflect on the reason for the season.

“Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  Luke 2:10

The Lord sent us a Savior so that we may know Love itself, in the form of a pure sweet innocent child.  That child would grow into a man that was Mercy outpoured.  It is precisely at the intersection of Love and Mercy that we will find Christmas Joy and heavenly Peace. 

We can find the extraordinary in the ordinary of our daily lives.  Just take a stroll to the intersection of Love and Mercy.  Bring your spouse and family with you.  

Turn stress into rest; Sweet heavenly Peace.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

May mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.  Jude 1:2 
Give it generously.  Pass it on.