Monday, May 13, 2013

Pray for Marriages (Imitating Christ’s Love)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

I remember when I got married decades ago.  It was necessary to book the church well in advance to get your desired date.  Today, there is no wait because church weddings are now the exception not the rule.  Christ literally has been kicked to the curb.  Aren’t couples forgetting something?

Consider the following, which I recently read:

The most profound thing about a Christian sacramental marriage is the couple’s knowledge that: “We are a living image of the love between Christ and the Church.”

That is a love that is lifelong, self-giving, faithful, steadfast and sacrificial.  It’s beautiful love, and a holy ideal. Consider the societal impact if everyone loved his /her spouse in this way.  What Light it would cast into the world!

I will betroth you to me forever: I will betroth you to me with justice and with judgment, with loyalty and with compassion; I will betroth you to me with fidelity, and you shall know the LORD.  Hosea 2: 21-22

But we are weak, which is exactly the reason we need Him!  Thus, we persevere in prayer for all marriages, that they may be strengthened, uplifted, and built on Christ.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Imitate steadfastness. Pass it on!