Friday, October 4, 2013

Pray for Families (Children of our Heavenly Father)

For the gift of our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world, let us give thanks!

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Recently I was on a flight and savoring the time I would have to pray and do some spiritual reading.  After boarding, I jumped right in to my scriptural readings, smiling at the empty seat next to me.  Five minutes later, a large middle-aged man was sitting next to me.  

"How long is this flight?" he asked.  

I politely answered his question as the plane took off, and by now I was delving into praying the rosary.  

"Can we get up from our seat to use the restroom since the seatbelt sign won't be turned off during this flight?" he asked.  

I responded by hitting the flight attendant call button and saying I don't know.  Within minutes, he received his answer, got up, came back and by now I was delving into praying some favorite prayers.

"Excuse me, " he interrupts, "I don’t mean to be nosy, but are you a Christian?"
"Yes, are you?" I responded.
"Yes" he said, "and for some reason I feel that I am supposed to talk to you. That’s why I kept asking you all those questions You know, I wasn’t even supposed to be on this flight, but I missed my earlier one.”
“That’s funny,” I responded, “I wasn’t supposed to be on this flight either.  I was scheduled on a later flight.”
Suddenly he shared, “You know, a year ago I should have died of a heart attack but the Lord saved my life.”

I closed my book, put away my rosary and focused on this gentleman.  Perhaps the 2x4 the Lord hit me with got my attention.  The Lord knows He needs to be super-obvious with me. 

The remainder of this short flight was spent listening to this man’s life story.  I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to say.  I made a few comments of acknowledgement, encouragement, and asked how being given his life back changed him.  I added that perhaps the Lord was asking him to step closer to Him and get to know Him.  The short flight was over, and I saw how little I was able to give this man.  I handed him my bookmark with a prayer on it and said that perhaps this would get him started in prayer.  I started to apologize for not having anything else to assist him in his journey, when I remembered my rosary.  I gave it to him and this Southern Baptist man gladly accepted it.  I told him I would send him info on how to pray it. 

After some discernment, rather than sending instructions on how to pray the rosary, I simply challenged him to meditate on the crucifix hanging from the rosary, to help him understand how much Christ loved him. 

I did receive a few emails from this man during the following weeks.  The Lord was obviously transforming this man, and to my surprise, I now had someone praying for me!

For he is our God, we are the people he shepherds, the sheep in his hands. Oh, that today you would hear his voice.  Psalm 95:7

I am sharing this not because I did anything great, but rather something very little.  However, when that “little” was touched by the Lord, he made it great.  It makes me wonder how many times before the Lord had tried to use me as His instrument, but I was just too preoccupied.   Perhaps all of us should spend some time in prayer, asking the Lord to keep us alert to His attempts to use us for His purposes, gathering His children so that one day they will be ready for His loving embrace.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Share His love, pass it on.