Friday, May 2, 2014

Pray for Families (A Father to Shepherd)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

As I contemplate the Holy Family today, I see Joseph, working diligently to support, protect, and lead his family in accord with the will of God. He is faced with trials, poverty, and hard physical labor. He is willing to risk his reputation by marrying Mary, in order to preserve hers. He remains celibate, so that Mary may remain Immaculate. His is a life of self denial and total self-giving to his family. What a beautiful example he must have been to the Christ-Child who would grow up to sacrifice himself out of total love for His bride, the Church.

It sounds so simple, but how far we have wandered so far from the ideal!

For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.   John 3:17

Today I feel called to pray for fathers. Please join me.

Lord, look kindly upon fathers, and lead them back; Back into the families they may never have formed. Back to families they have abandoned, selfishly ignored, or failed to lead to You. Inspire them, engage them, guide them, and bless them! Heal them from their own childhood wounds, perhaps inflicted by their own father(s). By the example of St. Joseph, may they lovingly lead by listening to your voice. May they protect their families from emotional, physical, and spiritual harm. Make them shepherds of the family. Make haste, hear our prayers, and grant us the grace to continually pray for them. Amen!

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Ask a father to pray for fathers. Ask him to pray for his own healing. Pass it on!