Greetings Prayer Warriors,
Experiencing the passing of a loved one is always
painful. Even Jesus cried when his
friend Lazarus died. We want so badly to
console those in grief, but words always fall short.
The Lord needs us to be his hands, feet, voice, and
presence. We are his instruments in the
world. While He may pour out grace into
a grieving heart to mend and heal it, we are called to be present to those who are grieving. Words are optional. However, praying with those in grief or
letting them know you will pray for them and their loved one(s) can be a great
comfort to the living.
As you lovingly pray for families this week, please offer
your prayers for the consolation and comfort of those who mourn. Not just for those people you know, but all your
brothers and sisters around the world experiencing or reliving a loss. It is a beautiful spiritual work of
mercy. I pray that you be blessed as
May Peace be
something you leave with others,
May Love be a
gift you always share,
and may your Joy overflow
to all you meet
so that Christ will remain ever present in our world.
+ Janet
Prayer is a secret weapon that everyone should use! Pass it on!