Monday, March 30, 2015

Pray for Marriages (Invitation to Love)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

From the moment we are born, we seek love, that unconditional giving of one’s heart.  For most of us, this is first discovered through our parents as they selflessly cater to our every childhood need.  As we mature into adulthood, we continue to seek this same enduring love.  One hopes to find it in marriage, but often one finds they are not receiving it in the way they imagined.  If they are honest with themselves, they are not giving it in the way they imagined either.

Pope Benedict XVI discusses Christian love, as taught to us by Christ’s actions.

“Only when someone values love more highly than life, that is, only where someone is ready to put life second to love, for the sake of love, can love be stronger and more than death. If it is to be more than death it must first be more than mere life.”(Introduction to Christianity, p. 304)

Now that is a love to aspire to. Christ’s love.

We know however, that we are weak and powerless on our own, and that our love may spark now and then, but it is far from being a life-sustaining flame. So let us extend a personal invitation to Christ in prayer, that until we are mature enough in Him, that He love our spouse through us.

Lord, teach us your ways, teach us how to love so purely, so selflessly, so deeply. We understand why grace is so amazing, as there is no limit to what you can achieve in us if we cooperate with your grace!

Lord, help us one day to say of our life as you did,

“No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own.” John 10:18

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Love is the answer.  Invite Him in!