Friday, December 30, 2016

Pray for Families (Inspired by the Holy Family)

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Greetings Prayer Warriors!

How fitting that we are ending this year of prayer on the feast of the Holy Family!  

By contemplating the life of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph we can learn all we need to know about what family should look like and what our role is.  One’s dignity does not come from where they were born, but from the self-knowledge that they are, a child of God.  One’s holiness does not come from one’s achievements, but from choosing to love every day, through every circumstance.  A good husband and father is one who is obedient to the will of God and does whatever possible to protect and provide for the ever-changing needs of his family. A godly wife surrenders to the will of God, even when it doesn’t make sense.   A child honors their father and mother through obedience and respect.

Children, listen to me, your father; act accordingly, that you may be safe. Sirach 3:1

Those who respect their father will live a long life; those who obey the Lord honor their mother. Those who fear the Lord honor their father, and serve their parents as masters. My son, conduct your affairs with humility, and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts. Humble yourself the more, the greater you are, and you will find mercy in the sight of God. For great is the power of the Lord; by the humble he is glorified. Sirach 3:6-7, 17-20

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up with the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

Watch carefully then how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise, making the most of the opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not continue in ignorance, but try to understand what is the will of the Lord. And do not get drunk on wine, in which lies debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another [in] psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and playing to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks always and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father. Ephesians 5:15-20

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we ask your intercession, that we may have the courage and strength to amend our lives each day and conform them to the will of God.

May each of you and your families, plus others you hold in your heart, be encouraged, blessed, and empowered to live your lives each day for the glory and honor of the Lord!

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Sing a song of thanksgiving and praise as 2016 comes to a close.  Pass it on!