“Can anything good come from Nazareth?” John 1:46
I both smile and cringe at the irony here. How often have we judged people by where they are from and what our pre-conceived notions are about “those people”? If Jesus came today and was from the ghetto, would we know Him? If the anti-Christ came from Beverly Hills, would we sense evil or would we totally be taken in?
Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile.” Mark 7:15
While one has no choice as to where they are from, they can decide the manner in which they will choose to live their lives. Followers of Jesus are always identified by their love.
Lord, help us to grow in our capacity to love. We acknowledge that this means we have to empty our hearts of all that pushes you out so that you may enter in and shine brightly through us. Only then can our love beget greater love within our families. We ask for receptivity to the grace you so generously pour upon us all. May the good you do through us, capture many souls for the kingdom.
Peace, Joy, and Love,
Infernos of love start with just a spark. Pass it on!