Monday, April 8, 2019

Pray for Marriages (Humility and Mercy)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Relationships of any type can be complicated, but when you commit to someone for life, as we do in marriage, complicated is too simple of a word! Who could have guessed that after the “I do” you would be led down roads and paths you never anticipated, suffer hardships that you never imagined, and experienced joys that would take you to new heights?  Most storms can be weathered, but the worst ones are when you hurt or are hurt by the one you love, the one you made a commitment to, and the one who made a commitment in return.

Perhaps you were the one hurt, or perhaps you are the one begging forgiveness.  This is where the hard work begins, for it calls us to be Christ-like; humble and merciful. Humble and contrite if we hurt our spouse with malicious words or actions; merciful if we were hurt by such words or deeds. Sometimes we prefer to nourish and justify our anger as we bathe in self-righteousness. Other times we stubbornly choose not to forgive for the wound is raw and deep.  Yet, Christ taught us that how we respond to others, is how He will treat us at the last judgement.

Be merciful, just as [also] your Father is merciful. “Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.  Luke 6:36-37

We are truly incapable of doing as Christ did if we do not open ourselves up to and accept His grace.  Thus, we pray:

Merciful Savior, you bore all of our hurts, pains, and offenses first, so that we could be redeemed in the bath of your Precious Blood. Open our eyes to the pain we have inflicted upon our spouse recently or in the past, intentionally or unintentionally. Help us to humble ourselves as we ask their forgiveness. In turn, give us the grace to let go of all old wounds inflicted by our spouse. May we voice our forgiveness to them, and with a contrite heart say before You now, I forgive (name of spouse). Be merciful to me Lord as I am merciful to others. Amen.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Wounds festers when we cling to unforgiveness. Let go and let God heal you! Pass it on!