Greetings Prayer Warriors,
Some of us came from large families while others from quite small ones. Our birth family, or first family may have taken care of our physical needs, emotional, and/or spiritual needs, but no “one” can ever meet all of our needs in life. That is why the Lord in His great wisdom extended our “family” in Him. He gives us many brothers and sisters in Christ that we might always find an open ear, a warm embrace, an encouraging word, or a bold admonishment. In turn, He also calls us to be the same for others.
What a blessing this is! Let us pray that we not just seek to have our own needs met, but extend ourselves in brotherly love to all those we meet.
For you were called for freedom, brothers…serve one another through love.For the whole law is fulfilled in one statement, namely, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:13-14
May the Spirit guide you, move through you, and embolden you to love others as Jesus has loved you.
Go forth, and share Love, so that one day it may go viral! For where Love abounds, there He is.
Peace, Joy, and Love,
His love is meant to be shared. Pass it on!