Friday, June 26, 2020

Pray for Families (Self Reflection and Amendment)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

In the midst of each day, carve out some quiet time and spend it with the Lord.  Ask Him to show you what in your life pleases Him and what offends Him. Don’t resist His answer, because sin makes us blind to the true state of our souls.  Reflect on the latter and make an amendment to change. Pray for the fortitude and will to do so.  After your own self-evaluation, ask Him how you should direct your prayer for each family member. Pray that they too may become more pleasing to the Lord. 

“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.”  Matthew 8:2

Then I remembered the mercies of the LORD, his acts of kindness through ages past; For he saves those who take refuge in him, and rescues them from every evil. Sirach 51:8

Good Shepherd, keep us all within your loving gaze and never tire of seeking us when we are lost. Save us from the thicket into which we frequently and often defiantly wander. For you alone remain our protector, consoler, healer, and loving Father. You alone are always compassionate and merciful to the contrite of heart. Hear our collective prayers for our family and loved ones that we may all walk through the narrow gate to a heavenly eternity with you. Amen.

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Collective prayer for one another is very powerful. Punch up the power by passing it on!