Greetings Prayer Warriors,
How frequently do we say or hear, “How are you?” Our reflexive answer is “fine”, as we assume the question was only asked out of politeness, not interest. If we sense a flicker of interest we want to pour out everything that is going wrong with us and the world, but quickly reassess and fight the desire to dump all. Perhaps, if we pause and reflect, we may be able to answer more thoughtfully, focusing on what our lives look like when we embrace our blessings.
I am God’s beautiful creation, even on a bad _hair_ day.
(fill in the blank)
I am an instrument in His hand to be used for good, as long as I don’t keep putting myself back in my box of comfort.
I am a light to others as long as I don’t keep shining it on myself.
I am God’s merciful love, if only I seek to overlook another’s imperfections (especially those that trigger me) and greet them with love, compassion, and forgiveness
I am truthful if I first acknowledge all of my own imperfections and seek to root them out with prayer, fasting, and the sacraments.
I am grateful if I give praise to God for yet another day of life to serve Him.
Let us pray for each other and our families, that we may see that we are part of God’s beautiful creation. With His generosity of grace, may we attain the emotional honesty needed to count our many blessings, including the trials God sends to perfect us.
You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! Psalms 139:13-14
May peace propagate within your families,
May your joy grow exponentially, and
May He wrap you in the blanket of His love,
Positivity. Pass it on!