Greetings Prayer Warriors,
As COVID-19 lockdowns continue, and travel taken is primarily for essential business only, what many couples thought was a temporary inconvenience is now an uncomfortable reality. Can’t you picture all the scenarios? A couple frequently separated due to one’s business trips is initially excited to have more time together, but soon both realize their routines has changed dramatically and too much togetherness is no longer exciting, but frankly annoying. Another example is two working spouses now both working from home and battling over prime office space. Will self-denial and generosity reign? What about the parents who not only have to work at home but homeschool and now entertain their bored to tears kids, all while having to control the noise during baby’s naptime? Lots of fuel in all these examples. Will love be rekindled or torched??
I said, “I will watch my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will keep a muzzle on my mouth.”
Mute and silent before the wicked, I refrain from good things. But my sorrow increases; my heart smolders within me. Take your plague away from me Psalm 39:2-4, 11
When it is difficult to love through each day’s trials, meditate on the Lord’s UNWAVERING and UNCONDITIONAL love for you, even when your behavior is quite unlovable. Prayer changes hearts, so let’s continue to pray.
For this reason, I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands, for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:6-7
Lord, when we think we’ve lost control of a situation, remind us it’s because of our delusion in thinking that we ever were in control. However, we are always capable of self-control. Each trial you send is for our own purification and sanctification. Take our mustard seed of love, and help it flower and grow. Drench us with your grace that we may love through all difficulties, frustrations, challenges, and disappointments, and help us to persevere in prayer for one another. Help us to grown in patience, kindness, generosity, and self-control so that our marriages and those marriages we pray for may be continually strengthened in and through You. Hear the humble prayers of your faithful servants! Amen.
Peace, Joy, and Love,
Prayer never returns to you empty. Pass it on!