Friday, August 19, 2022

Pray for Families (Especially the Children!)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Jesus loves the sweet innocence and loving affection of children.  However, Darkness seeks to eliminate the Light of Christ in them.  As prayer and devotion wanes, we see Darkness penetrate.  The innocence of children is not only being stolen, but attacked.  Fewer children know about God, his enduring love for them, and his unchanging truth.  Nor are they learning how beautiful and precious they are to Him, as that they were created in his image and likeness.  Instead, at the youngest age they are being sexualized by books, indoctrinated to pick their gender and pronouns, and are even being offered gender reassignment surgery.  In other words, while they don’t even have the right to bring  cough medicine to school without a parental note, they are allowed to make such life-changing decisions to mutilate their genitals before puberty without their parent’s consent.  Satan cheers as more are conforming into his non-binary image and likeness.

Satan loves to invert things and has many minions.  As extreme as all of the above sounds, the media leaves it alone, but instead calls a simple strand of prayer beads, the rosary, an “extremist symbol,” comparing it to the AR-15! (See recent Atlantic article)  One thing the article inadvertently got right is that the rosary is very powerful

Our voices need to be louder than the voice of Satan in this culture. We need to speak out in the schools and communities for the protection of children and for maintaining our parental rights. (They are being eroded if you haven’t noticed). Gather as a family when possible and join your voices in prayer, grabbing that AR-15-like rosary when possible..  Invite others to join in, physically, virtually, or spiritually.  Let us pray not only that each child’s innocence be protected, but that we adults can find inner healing and return to a child-like trust in the Lord.

Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Luke 18:17

We are beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. Let us each learn to accept and see ourselves as God does.

You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know.  Psalms 139:13-14

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Love and protect the children, even the child in you.  Pass it on!