Friday, December 30, 2022

Pray for Families (and Marriages!)

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

As the year comes to a close, many (including me) reflect on the year that has just flown by. Could it be that we will soon be entering 2023?!

As I review the year, I’ve learned to not be so hard on myself. (Yes, I’ve missed a few blog postings here and there). Consequently, I’ve also learned to be more patient and give grace to others. As each day seems fuller and fuller, I have learned that I need to schedule prayer time, and the best time is the quiet of the morning.

I for one have grown in my awareness of truth and Truth. I see and sense that the Father of Lies is growing in power, since more and more people either don’t know Him, or have walked away from Truth.

“I am the way and the truth and the life.” John 14:6

As Judeo-Christian values are purged from our culture, more people walk in blindness unaware of the danger of their passive assent and that the path to perdition is broadening.

You live in the midst of a rebellious house; they have eyes to see, but do not see, and ears to hear but do not hear. Ezekiel 12:2

When I started this blog, I was unaware of the Fatima Message that speaks to the “Final Battle” being over marriage and family. Sister Lucia, the Fatima seer, stated:

“the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be afraid, she added, because anyone who operates for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be contended and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. And then she concluded: however, Our Lady has already crushed its head.”

The Evil One hates marriage as God ordained it, between one man and one woman who are instructed to “be fruitful and multiply”. He hates the family as it represents the domestic church and where children first learn about God. So if you were Satan, wouldn’t you do everything you could to distort and destroy marriage, family, and procreation? Even blur the genders? Consider all that has transpired in the last several years and decades.

There is much to reflect upon, but most importantly, I want to THANK YOU for being a prayer warrior for marriage and family. YOU are greatly needed and the Lord delights in your prayers. Never underestimate the power of your prayer. Only Satan wants you to believe it’s worthless. Most of all, he fears the rosary, so if you don’t pray it, consider starting or increasing its recitation in the New Year!

Praying that you will be abundantly blessed in the New Year!!

Peace, Joy, and Love,

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Don’t delay! Pass it on!