Monday, July 31, 2023

Pray for Marriages (From Grudge to Judge)

 Greetings Prayer Warriors,

How the Evil One loves to get under our skin when we experience perceived injustices, wrongs, or insults. He especially delights when the division he causes is between spouses! Score! He will not let you forget, so that you can never get close to forgiveness. He keeps a replay loop of the event in your head, refueling your anger. How easily we are manipulated to hold on to grudges! We are so weak!

Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. John 15:5

The Lord knows our weakness, thus He continues to beckon us to come to him. He will give you His heart, which is filled with love and forgiveness. He will give you the grace to increase in faith and trust in His plan. He will crush the grudge and ask you not to judge. 

Consider the story of Joseph, sold by his jealous brothers into slavery, only unbeknownst to them, he rises up and becomes governor under Pharoah and in charge of all the granaries. When the brothers journey to Egypt to buy grain during the famine, Joseph had a decision to make: repay evil with evil or repay evil with good? 

Joseph’s brothers became fearful and thought, “Suppose Joseph has been nursing a grudge against us and now most certainly will pay us back in full for all the wrong we did him!” Genesis 50:15

Joseph replied, showing incredible faith and charity. 

“Do not fear. Can I take the place of God? Even though you meant harm to me, God meant it for good, to achieve this present end, the survival of many people. Genesis 50:19-20

Here is your challenge this week. Are there areas in which you need to forgive your spouse or a loved one? Are there memories from long ago (or even yesterday!) that love to pop back in your mind so that you can ruminate on them over and over? Ask the Lord to help you see His greater purpose in it.  Perhaps a growth in a particular virtue? Perhaps to help you forgive yourself? Spend some time in prayer and meditation and listen to the Lord. 

We know that all things work for good for those who love God  who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Peace, Joy, and Love,


Let go of the grudge and let Him be the Judge! Pass it on!!