Greetings Prayer Warriors,
Over the last few weeks, I have observed many families. It has led me to ponder more fully God’s plan for the family. In scripture it is apparent that families were a unit, strengthened by number. The patriarch guided, fed, and protected its members from harm, especially the women, since new life (increased numbers) arrived through them. They worked collectively for the whole, taking care of one another, teaching and learning from one another, and worshiping God together. They were a domestic church.
Warning, I get a bit wound up when it comes to the attack on families! So if the above is a picture of strength, Satan would need to dismantle this domestic church, for they are the building blocks of GOD’S CHURCH! Thus he began by pitting women against men to break up the family structure. He made this possible by eliminating women’s dependence on men by sending them into the workforce. The indissolubility of marriage was then attacked. Sex outside of marriage was condoned. Patriarchy was demonized. With no parent at home, children were funneled into state education so their minds could be formed without God. Having a large family is mocked, as children are now considered a burden not a gift. The killing of babies in the womb is legalized by calling it “healthcare”. Birth control becomes readily available to all women and teens calling it sexual empowerment and “family planning”. Religion is next attacked both verbally and physically, accusing all those who embrace it, as “haters”. To add to the list, polyamory is now promoted as healthy. Satan is doing a great job of weakening and destroying families. The list is unending, but the point is to “WAKE UP!” Open your eyes and those in your family that they might not remain blind. If you are not turning to God, you are relinquishing your rights to the Evil One. Yes, he will give you what you want in this world so he can have you in hell with him forever, but it’s time to let go of the kryptonite in your life (love of money, power, prestige, etc.) and reclaim your power in Christ!
Help, LORD, for no one loyal remains; the faithful have vanished from the children of men. They tell lies to one another, speak with deceiving lips and a double heart. Psalm 12:2-3
Turn back to the Lord, for it is never too late. Happiness on earth doesn’t hold a candle to the joy you will feel in heaven. You know what to do: pray, pray, pray for yourself, your family, and others. Our Heavenly Mother reaches with outstretched hands to guide you to Jesus. She will protect you and your family and provide you the graces you need, if only you ask.
The promises of the LORD are sure, silver refined in a crucible, silver purified seven times. You, O LORD, protect us always; preserve us from this generation. On every side the wicked roam; the shameless are extolled by the children of men. Psalm 12:7-9
Reunite with your tribe! If it can’t be family, make it your friends. Rebuild your spiritual fortress, claim your Heavenly Mother, (Satan hates that!) and rediscover God’s plan for your life and your family.
Many are the sorrows of the wicked one, but mercy surrounds the one who trusts in the LORD. Psalm 32:10
Peace, Joy, and Love,
Reform your life, pray, and pass it on!